Frame Protocol

(Requires Workerman version >= 3.3.0)

Workerman defines a protocol called frame, with the format of total length + body, where the total length is a 4-byte integer in network byte order, and the body can be plain text or binary data.

The following is the implementation of the frame protocol.

class Frame
    public static function input($buffer, TcpConnection $connection)
        if (strlen($buffer) < 4)
            return 0;
        $unpack_data = unpack('Ntotal_length', $buffer);
        return $unpack_data['total_length'];

    public static function decode($buffer)
        return substr($buffer, 4);

    public static function encode($buffer)
        $total_length = 4 + strlen($buffer);
        return pack('N', $total_length) . $buffer;