Basic Process

(Using a simple Websocket chat room server as an example)

1. Establish project directory at any location

For example, SimpleChat/
Go to the directory and execute composer require workerman/workerman

2. Include vendor/autoload.php (generated after composer installation)

Create start.php and include vendor/autoload.php

use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

3. Define the protocol

Here we select the Text protocol (a custom protocol in Workerman, with the format of text + newline)

(Currently Workerman supports HTTP, Websocket, and Text protocols. If you need to use other protocols, please refer to the protocol chapter to develop your own protocol)

4. Write the entrance startup script as needed

For example, the following is a simple entry file for a chat room.


use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Connection\TcpConnection;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$global_uid = 0;

// Assign a uid to the connection when a client connects, save the connection, and notify all clients
function handle_connection($connection)
    global $text_worker, $global_uid;
    // Assign a uid to this connection
    $connection->uid = ++$global_uid;

// Forward the message to everyone when a client sends a message
function handle_message(TcpConnection $connection, $data)
    global $text_worker;
    foreach($text_worker->connections as $conn)
        $conn->send("user[{$connection->uid}] said: $data");

// Broadcast to all clients when a client disconnects
function handle_close($connection)
    global $text_worker;
    foreach($text_worker->connections as $conn)
        $conn->send("user[{$connection->uid}] logout");

// Create a Worker with text protocol listening on port 2347
$text_worker = new Worker("text://");

// Start only 1 process for easier data transmission between clients
$text_worker->count = 1;

$text_worker->onConnect = 'handle_connection';
$text_worker->onMessage = 'handle_message';
$text_worker->onClose = 'handle_close';


5. Testing

The Text protocol can be tested using the telnet command

telnet 2347