Installation Instructions

Workerman is actually a PHP code package. If your PHP environment is already installed, you just need to download the Workerman source code or demo to run it.

Composer Installation:

composer require workerman/workerman

Some composer proxy mirrors are incomplete. Use the command composer config -g --unset repos.packagist to remove the proxy.

Windows Users (Must Read)

Starting from version 3.5.3, Workerman can now support both Windows and Linux systems. Windows users need to configure the PHP environment variables.

===This page below is only applicable to the Linux environment workerman, windows users please ignore===

Linux System Environment Detection

Linux systems can use the following script to test whether the local PHP environment meets the requirements for running Workerman.
curl -Ss | php

If all the OKs are displayed in the script above, it means that the requirements for Workerman are met, and you can directly download the example from the official website to run.

If not all OK, you can refer to the following documentation to install the missing extensions.

(Note: The detection script does not check the event extension. If the business concurrent connection number is greater than 1024, it is necessary to install the event extension and optimize the Linux kernel. The installation method for the extension is as described below.)

Installing Missing Extensions in Existing PHP Environments

Installing the pcntl and posix Extensions:

Centos Systems
If PHP is installed using yum, run the command line yum install php-process to install the pcntl and posix extensions.

If the installation fails or PHP itself is not installed using yum, please refer to method three of the manual Appendix - Installing Extensions for source code compilation and installation.

Debian/Ubuntu/Mac OS Systems
Refer to method three of the manual Appendix - Installing Extensions for source code compilation and installation.

Installing the event Extension:

In order to support a larger number of concurrent connections, it is necessary to install the event extension and optimize the Linux kernel. The installation method is as follows:

Centos Systems

  1. Install the libevent-devel package, which is a dependency for the event extension, by running the following command line:

    yum install libevent-devel -y
    # If unable to install, try using the following command
    # yum install libevent2-devel -y
  2. Install the event extension by running the following command line:
    (the event extension requires PHP>=5.4)

    pecl install event

    Note: When prompted with Include libevent OpenSSL support [yes] : enter no and press Enter, for all other prompts just press Enter.

  3. Run php --ini, find and open the php.ini file, and add the following configuration at the end:

Debian/Ubuntu Systems Installation

  1. Install the libevent-dev package, which is a dependency for the event extension, by running the following command line:

    apt-get install libevent-dev -y
    # If unable to install, try the following command
    # apt-get install libevent2-dev -y
  2. Install the event extension by running the following command line:

    pecl install event

    Note: When prompted with Include libevent OpenSSL support [yes] : enter no and press Enter, for all other prompts just press Enter.

  3. Run php --ini, find and open the php.ini file, and add the following configuration at the end:

Mac OS System Installation Tutorial

Mac systems are generally used as development machines and do not necessarily require the event extension.

Installation on a Fresh System (Installing PHP + Extensions)

Centos System Installation Tutorial

  1. Run the command line (this step includes installing the php-cli main program, pcntl, posix, libevent library, and git program)

    yum install php-cli php-process git gcc php-devel php-pear libevent-devel -y
  2. Install the event extension by running the following command line:
    (Note: the event extension requires PHP>=5.4)

    pecl install event

    Note: When prompted with Include libevent OpenSSL support [yes] : enter no and press Enter, for all other prompts just press Enter.

  3. Run php --ini, find and open the php.ini file, and add the following configuration at the end:
  4. Run the command line (this step downloads the Workerman main program from GitHub)

    git clone
  5. Refer to the Getting Started - Simple Development Example section to write the entry file for running, or download the packaged demo from the official website to run.

Debian/Ubuntu System Installation Tutorial

  1. Run the command line (this step includes installing the php-cli main program, libevent library, and git program)

    apt-get install php-cli git gcc php-pear php-dev libevent-dev -y
  2. Install the event extension by running the following command line:
    (Note: the event extension requires PHP>=5.4)

    pecl install event

    Note: When prompted with Include libevent OpenSSL support [yes] : enter no and press Enter, for all other prompts just press Enter.

  3. Run php --ini, find and open the php.ini file, and add the following configuration at the end:
  4. Run the command line (this step downloads the Workerman main program from GitHub)

    git clone
  5. Refer to the Getting Started - Simple Development Example section to write the entry file for running, or download the packaged demo from the official website to run.

Mac OS System Installation Tutorial

Method 1: Mac systems come with PHP Cli, but may be missing the pcntl extension.

  1. Refer to method three in the manual Appendix - Installing Extensions for source code compilation and installation of the pcntl extension.

  2. Refer to method four in the manual Appendix - Installing Extensions to use phpize to install the event extension (this can be omitted as it is a development machine).

  3. Download the Workerman main program through, or download examples from the official website to run.

Method 2: Install php and the corresponding extensions using the brew command.

  1. Run the following command line to install the brew tool (you can skip this step if brew is already installed)

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Run the following command line to install php

    brew install php
  3. Run the following command line to install the event extension

    brew install php-event    
  4. Download examples from the official website to run.

Event Extension Explanation

The Event extension is not mandatory, but is recommended to be installed for business requirements that support more than 1000 concurrent connections, as it can support huge numbers of concurrent connections. If the business requires a lower level of concurrent connections, such as below 1000 concurrent connections, it may not need to be installed.

Common Problems

  1. If the following error occurs: checking for include/event2/event.h... not found, please try to delete the libevent-dev(el) library and install libevent2-dev(el) instead.
    CentOS System: yum remove libevent-devel && yum install libevent2-devel
    Debian/Ubuntu System: apt-get remove libevent-dev && apt-get install libevent2-dev

  2. If the following error occurs: NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '.../' - ..../ undefined symbol: php_sockets_le_socket in Unknown on line 0.
    Please change the loading order of and by writing in php.ini before to load the socket extension first.