
Message queue based on Redis that supports delayed message processing.

Project Address:


composer require workerman/redis-queue


use Workerman\Worker;
use Workerman\Timer;
use Workerman\RedisQueue\Client;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$worker = new Worker();
$worker->onWorkerStart = function () {
    $client = new Client('redis://');
   // Subscribe
    $client->subscribe('user-1', function($data){
        echo "user-1\n";
   // Subscribe
    $client->subscribe('user-2', function($data){
        echo "user-2\n";
    // Send messages to the queue at regular intervals
    Timer::add(1, function() use ($client){
        $client->send('user-1', ['some', 'data']);



__construct (string $address, [array $options])

Create an instance

  • $address similar to redis://ip:6379, must start with redis.

  • $options includes the following options:

    • auth: authentication information, default is ''
    • db: database, default is 0
    • max_attempts: number of retry attempts after consumption failure, default is 5
    • retry_seconds: retry interval in seconds, default is 5

Consumption failure means that the business throws an exception Exception or Error. After consumption failure, the message will be placed in the delay queue for retry. The number of retries is controlled by max_attempts, and the retry interval is jointly controlled by retry_seconds and max_attempts. For example, if max_attempts is 5 and retry_seconds is 10, the interval for the first retry is 1*10 seconds, the interval for the second retry is 2*10 seconds, and so on, until the fifth retry. If the number of retries exceeds the max_attempts, the message is placed in the failed queue with the key {redis-queue}-failed (before version 1.0.5, it was redis-queue-failed).

send(String $queue, Mixed $data, [int $dely=0])

Send a message to the queue

  • $queue queue name, type String
  • $data specific message being published, can be an array or a string, type Mixed
  • $dely delay in consumption time, default is 0, type Int

subscribe(mixed $queue, callable $callback)

Subscribe to a single queue or multiple queues

  • $queue queue name, can be a string or an array containing multiple queue names
  • $callback callback function in the format function (Mixed $data), where $data is the same as $data in send($queue, $data).

unsubscribe(mixed $queue)

Unsubscribe from a single queue or multiple queues

  • $queue queue name or an array containing multiple queue names

Sending messages to the queue in a non-workerman environment

Sometimes, some projects run in an Apache or PHP-FPM environment and cannot use the workerman/redis-queue project. You can refer to the following function to implement sending:

function redis_queue_send($redis, $queue, $data, $delay = 0) {
    $queue_waiting = '{redis-queue}-waiting'; //Before version 1.0.5, it was redis-queue-waiting
    $queue_delay = '{redis-queue}-delayed'; //Before version 1.0.5, it was redis-queue-delayed

    $now = time();
    $package_str = json_encode([
        'id'       => rand(),
        'time'     => $now,
        'delay'    => $delay,
        'attempts' => 0,
        'queue'    => $queue,
        'data'     => $data
    if ($delay) {
        return $redis->zAdd($queue_delay, $now + $delay, $package_str);
    return $redis->lPush($queue_waiting.$queue, $package_str);

Where the parameter $redis is the redis instance. For example, the usage of the redis extension is similar to the following:

$redis = new Redis;
$redis->connect('', 6379);
$queue = 'user-1';
$data= ['some', 'data'];
redis_queue_send($redis, $queue, $data);